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Devin: The Unique Way They Run Their Family, Raising Kids While You Go Through Mental Health & Spiritual Challenges Episode 5

Devin: The Unique Way They Run Their Family, Raising Kids While You Go Through Mental Health & Spiritual Challenges

· 01:51:19

This was a fun one.

In terms of parenting & family-management, Devin uses some of the more unique strategies & tactics.

In this episode he covers it all, along with:

- his experience being a dad while going through therapy and mental health challenges

- how do you teach spirituality to your kids when your own spirituality is transforming?

- how they set up a "family economy" as a vehicle to teach their kids about money, business and responsibility

- their system for staying organized with several active kids who need rides everywhere 

I was blown away, tbh

Music: Anders Gurda

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